EGAP Meetings & Policy Events
At EGAP’s triannual meetings, researcher and institutional members receive extensive feedback on research proposals, research designs, and completed research. These meetings are crucial for getting practitioners and academics to understand substantive and methodological issues in common terms. Three in-person meetings are hosted annually, including a general plenary meeting and two thematic meetings focusing on each of the thematic working groups: Institutions & Governance; Mitigation of Societal Conflict; Poverty & Inequality; and Elections, Representation, & Political Participation.
Alongside each meeting, EGAP hosts a policy event to share polished research findings, develop longer-term partnerships to generate productive streams of research, and provide opportunities for matchmaking between academic researchers and practitioners.
Online Events
Due to the pandemic, EGAP began taking many of its regular activities online. In 2020, we started organizing online sessions where members are able to receive feedback on their papers and research designs, using the same format as our in-person meetings.
You can find the list of feedback sessions that we have organized to date at the following link.