EGAP Priority Theme Meeting: London, February 2023
Date: February 3-4, 2023
Host: Alexandra Hartman, University College London
Location: London, England
Themes: Climate Change Governance; Displacement, Migration, & Integration

EGAP, in collaboration with University College London (UCL) and the UCL Policy Lab, will be hosting a two-day meeting at University College London on February 3-4, 2023. Alexandra Hartman, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at University College London and member of the EGAP network, will head the organization of the event, which will focus on two thematic areas: Climate Change Governance and Displacement, Migration, & Integration.
Papers and Research Designs
Please find the papers and research designs that will be discussed during the meeting at the following link (papers are password-protected, please contact EGAP if you are a meeting participant and have not received the password).
Climate Change Governance
Aina Gallego (Barcelona Institute of International Studies)
Alex Gazmararian (Princeton University)
Amanda Clayton (Vanderbilt University)
Amanda Kennard (Stanford University)
Annette Brown (FHI360)
Anthony Mveyange (Partnership for African Social and Governance Research)
Caleb Stevens (USAID)
Cyrus Samii (New York University)
Eric Dickson (New York University)
Evan Lieberman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ghazala Mansuri (World Bank)
Godber Tumushabe (Great Lakes Institute for Strategic Studies)
Helen Milner (Princeton University)
Jake Bowers (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Jon Kurtz (Mercy Corps)
Linda Stern (National Democratic Institute)
Maarten Voors (Wageningen University)
Melina Platas (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Miriam Golden (European University Institute)
Morgan Holmes (USAID)
Nahomi Ichino (Emory University)
Nikhar Gaikwad (Columbia University)
Oliver James (University of Exeter)
Raul Pacheco-Vega (FLACSO)
Rebekah Usatin (National Endowment for Democracy)
Sarah Brierley (London School of Economics)
Tara Slough (New York University)
Displacement, Migration, & Integration
Ala’ Alrababa’h (ETH Zurich)
Alexandra Hartman (University College London)
Alexandra Scacco (WZB)
Andrea Caflisch (University College London)
Andreas Kotsadam (University of Oslo)
Annet Adong (Economic Policy Research Centre)
Augustino Ting Mayai (The Sudd Institute)
Casey Risko (Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, US Department of State)
Daniel Posner (UCLA)
Daniel Rubenson (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Domenico Tabasso (Joint Data Center)
Florian Foos (London School of Economics)
Gareth Nellis (UCSD)
Gloria Gennaro (University College London)
Guy Grossman (University of Pennsylvania)
Hong Tran (International Organization for Migration, UN Migration)
Jason Lyall (Dartmouth College)
Jessica Gottlieb (University of Houston)
Juan Vargas (Universidad del Rosario)
Katja Starc Card (International Rescue Committee)
Lauren Gilbert (Open Philanthropy)
Madeline Page (Open Society Foundations)
Mareike Schomerus (Busara Center)
Marine Casalis (ETH Zurich)
Natasha Greenberg (Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, US Department of State)
Peter van der Windt (New York University – Abu Dhabi)
Rebecca Wolfe (University of Chicago)
Rosario Aguilar (Newcastle University)
Sigrid Weber (University College London)
Thomas Ginn (Center for Global Development)
Tolga Sinmazdemir (University of London)
Yamil Velez (Columbia University)