Our Impact


EGAP Global Membership & Research Themes

Lucia Tiscornia, Center for Research and Teaching, Mexico City

The fact that there is an organization that intentionally connects researchers from academia with policy makers… is enriching and important.

Lucia Tiscornia, Associate Professor at the Center for Research and Teaching, Mexico City, discusses her experience working with EGAP. See the full video interview below.

Meetings, Policy Events, and Policy Briefs

Rebecca Wolfe, University of Chicago

We condensed that information and took it to the Hill and showed how it could be possible to reduce support for violence.

Rebecca Wolfe, Senior Lecturer & Executive Director of International Policy at the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago, reflecting on the collaboration between EGAP researchers and Mercy Corps’ work to reduce violence conflict. See the full video interview below.

Metaketa Initiative

Metaketa Projects Research Countries

Learning Days Workshops

Learning Days Workshop Participants from 26 countries

Research Grants & Global South Fellowships

COVID-19 Small Grant Funds Research in 9 Countries
Esther Owelle, The Busara Center for Behavioral Economics

We have seen that people are wearing more masks, and people are even complying with public health measures.

Esther Owelle, Research Manager at the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics, on how her research, funded by EGAP’s COVID-19 grant, helped slow the spread of Covid-19 in rural Africa. See the full video interview.

Regional Hubs

Methods & Standards

Brendan Nyhan, Dartmouth College

EGAP changed the way I do research. I now follow a protocol like a clinical trial with every experiment I conduct. And that’s because of the influence of EGAP and the framework it created.

Brendan Nyhan, Presidential Professor at Dartmouth College, explains how EGAP’s methodological tools have helped streamline his research on the spread of misinformation and fake news. See the full video interview here.

Impact Stories