West Africa Regional Hub
EGAP’s West Africa regional hub was established in early 2022 in alliance with Le Centre de Recherche et d’Action pour la Paix (CERAP) located at the Université Jésuite in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. As a regional hub, CERAP will serve as a gateway for both Francophone and Anglophone African researchers and practitioners to become involved in EGAP’s broader set of activities and special initiatives.

CERAP’s activities will include Learning Days, a methodological training for participants to workshop research designs; grants to support a set of selected studies by researchers and practitioners in the region; and dissemination activities both within the region and beyond.
CERAP, as a regional hub, will focus substantively on EGAP’s priority theme of polarization, conflict, and democracy in Francophone Africa. As such, CERAP will help create a regional learning network that centers on collaboration between regionally-based researchers and practitioner organizations working on issues relating to polarization, conflict, and democracy.
Watch Leonardo Arriola introduce the EGAP West Africa Regional Hub at the policy event held in July 2022 (in English):
Watch Brice Bado introduce the EGAP West Africa Regional Hub at the policy event held in July 2022 (in French):
CERAP’s Arsène Brice Bado is the director of the EGAP West Africa regional hub. His research is focused on democracy, electoral processes in conflict settings, ethnic pluralism, and forced migration. Dr. Bado obtained his PhD in Political Science from Laval University in Canada. Boris Meviekpon, a lecturer at CERAP, will join Dr. Bado in leading the regional hub’s training activities. Amnis Vigan, a current CERAP graduate student studying governance and ethics, is the West Africa regional hub’s program officer.