EGAP Priority Theme Meeting: Mexico City, October 2023
Date: October 6-7, 2023
Host: Horacio Larreguy & Mauricio Romero, ITAM
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Theme: Democracy, Conflict, & Polarization

EGAP in collaboration with the the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) will be hosting a two-day meeting at ITAM on October 6th and 7th, 2023. EGAP members, Horacio Larreguy, Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science at ITAM, and Mauricio Romero, Assistant Professor of Economics at ITAM, will head the organization of the event, which will focus on the Democracy, Conflict, & Polarization priority theme.
Papers and Research Designs
Please find the papers and research designs that will be discussed during the meeting at the following link (papers are password-protected, please contact EGAP if you are a meeting participant and have not received the password).
Adam Berinsky (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Alberto Simpser (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México)
Alejandra Garcia Diaz Villamil (US State Department, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor)
Bret Barrowman (International Republican Institute)
Carlos Scartascini (Inter-American Development Bank)
Cesi Cruz (University of California, Los Angeles)
Clara Becker (Redes Cordiais)
Christopher Grady (USAID, Center for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance)
Cyrus Samii (New York University)
Daniel Rubenson (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Donald Green (Columbia University)
Florian Foos (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Georgina Rangel (USAID, Mexico)
Horacio Larreguy (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México)
Jake Bowers (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Jessica Gottlieb (University of Houston)
Karina Santos (The Institute for Technology & Society of Rio)
Laura Paler (American University)
Lauren Prather (University of California, San Diego)
Lauren Young (University of California, Davis)
Leonardo Arriola (University of California, Berkeley)
Lucy Martin (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Luis Maldonado (Pontificia Universidad Catolica of Chile)
Marcia Mundt (Consortium for Elections and Political Processes Strengthening)
Mark Williamson (New York University)
Mathias Poertner (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Morgan Holmes (USAID, Agency Learning & Evidence)
Nara de Carvalho Pavão (Federal University of Pernambuco)
Natalia Bueno (Emory University)
Paula Munoz (Universidad del Pacífico)
Peter Loewen (University of Toronto)
Rachael Spencer (International Research & Exchanges Commission, IREX)
Rebecca Wolfe (University of Chicago)
Rob Blair (Brown University)
Sandra Ley (México Evalúa)
Sandra Tombe (United States Institute of Peace)
Simon Chauchard (University Carlos III, Madrid)