Round V:
Women’s Action Committees and Local Services
How can women be better mobilized to participate in consultative processes that would likely improve public services provision?

The Women’s Action Committees and Local Services Metaketa round seeks to answer this question by coordinating five research projects in diverse contexts that assess how the act of participation affects women in these settings and how the quality of participation can also be improved.
This Metaketa round was launched in Fall 2018 and will run until Fall 2023. This round awarded five projects—one each in Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Vietnam—ranging in funding from $250,000 to $300,000. All of the projects use common interventions that include a placebo treatment, a treatment arm increasing collective efficacy of women-only action committees, and an additive treatment arm that adds high quality training participation skills to advocate for issues of concern to group members.
Metaketa V Steering Committee:
Susan Hyde (Co-Chair, UC Berkeley)
Eddy Malesky (Co-Chair, Duke University)
Alex Coppock (Yale University)
Mathias Poertner (Texas A&M)
Lauren Young (UC Davis)
COVID-19 Protocol
Notice: EGAP has developed a set of protocols for the ethical implementation of field research during the COVID-19 pandemic. All Metaketa V project teams interested in the initiation of research activities during the pandemic must be able to demonstrate that they meet the safety standards established in the protocol. Please find the protocol process and required materials for submission here: