Round III:
Natural Resource Governance
Might natural resource governance improve if communities’ capacity were enhanced to monitor resource use? Might the welfare of natural resource users increase if there is enhanced community monitoring of that resource?

Renewable resources are often subject to regulations that affect their use, and that involve representatives of local communities in monitoring their use. The Natural Resource Governance Metaketa round seeks to know whether augmenting the roles, responsibilities, and resources of community-based monitors reduces the quantity of renewable resources that are used and how this affects the welfare of users in the affected communities.
This Metaketa round was launched in Spring 2016 and will run until Spring 2020. This round awarded six projects—one each in Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Liberia, Peru, and Uganda—ranging in funding from $150,000 to $250,000 provided by the UK’s Department for International Development. All of the projects use common informational interventions focused on scrutinizing local resource management authorities and providing information to administrators and users in order to curb the overuse of the forest or water common pool resource. In addition, each project will involve at least one complementary intervention.
Metaketa III Steering Committee:
Daniel Rubenson (Chair, Ryerson University)
Tara Slough (Columbia University)