Elections, Representation, & Political Participation
The EGAP Elections, Representation, & Participation Group focuses on research that engages with electoral and participatory processes throughout the world. Research in this thematic group examines the drivers of political decision-making among ordinary citizens and elites, both in democratic and non-democratic contexts. We also examine how organizations and institutions affect and channel political behavior at all levels of government.

EGAP Meetings & Policy Events
EGAP hosts an annual membership meeting to provide feedback on research designs addressing interventions around elections, representation, and political participation. In conjunction with each membership meeting, EGAP holds a policy event to bring together researchers with local and regional representatives of government and civil society organizations to present polished research and discuss policy relevance.
Metaketa Initiative
Civil society groups emphasize the need for high quality public information on the performance of politicians. But, does information really make a difference in institutionally weak environments? Does it lead to the rewarding of good performance at the polls or are voting decisions going to be dominated by ethnic ties and clientelistic relations? The Information and Accountability Metaketa seeks to answer these questions by implementing a series of experimental projects that assess the role of information in promoting political accountability in developing countries.
Policy Briefs
Policy briefs are concise summaries of EGAP members’ research evaluations, highlighting the policy relevance of interventions.