Other evidence

On this page we’ll include a collection of resources and papers that do not fall under any of the the previous four evidence areas, and cover a variety of other topics related to policing and crime reduction in the Global South. These topics include: the effects of international intervention; militarization and its consequences; demographic composition of police; non-state alternatives to policing; the effects of state repression/violence; the effects of procedurally-just policing; the effects of institutional reform; as well as others.
Coming soon.
Books and Papers
Are there studies we are missing? Share them with us by writing to maxmendezbeck@berkeley.edu!
The effects of international intervention:
Peacekeeping, Policing, and the Rule of Law after Civil War by Robert Blair
“Building a more competent security sector: The case of UNMIL and the Liberian National Police” by Sabrina Karim and Ryan Gorman
“International Intervention and the Rule of Law after Civil War: Evidence from Liberia” by Robert Blair (Ungated version, Replication data)
Militarization and its consequences:
Authoritarian Police in Democracy: Contested Security in Latin America by Yanilda María González
“The militarization of law enforcement: Evidence from Latin America” by Gustavo Flores-Macías and Jessica Zarkin (Replication data)
“Militarization and Perceptions of Law Enforcement in the Developing World: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment in Mexico” by Gustavo Flores-Macías and Jessica Zarkin (Ungated version)
“Military Policing Exacerbates Crime and Human Rights Abuses: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Cali, Colombia” by Robert Blair and Michael Weintraub (Pre-analysis plan, Study summary)
Demographic composition of police:
“Police integration and support for anti-government violence in divided societies: Evidence from Iraq” by Matthew Nanes (Ungated version)
“Co-ethnic Bias and Policing in an Electoral Authoritarian Regime: Experimental Evidence from Uganda” by Travis Curtice
“Policing Ethnicity: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence on Discrimination, Cooperation, and Ethnic Balancing in the Liberian National Police” by Robert Blair, Sabrina Karim, Michael J. Gilligan, and Kyle Beardsley
Non-state alternatives to policing:
“After Rebel Governance: A Field Experiment in Security and Justice Provision in Rural Colombia” by Robert Blair, Manuel Moscoso, Andrés Vargas, and Michael Weintraub
“How Does the State Replace the Community? Experimental Evidence on Crime Control from South Africa” by Anna Wilke
The effects of state repression/violence:
“How Repression Affects Public Perceptions of Police: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Uganda” by Travis Curtice
“Street-level repression: Protest, policing, and dissent in Uganda” by Travis Curtice and Brandon Behlendorf
The effects of procedurally-just policing:
“The impact of procedurally-just policing on citizen perceptions of police during traffic stops: The Adana randomized controlled trial” by Nusret Sahin, Anthony A. Braga, Robert Apel, and Rod K. Brunson
The effects of institutional reform:
“Improving Police Performance in Rajasthan, India: Experimental Evidence on Incentives, Managerial Autonomy and Training” by Abhijit Banerjee, Raghabendra Chattopadhyay, Esther Duflo, Daniel Keniston, and Nina Singh
“When Police Sabotage Reform by Switching Tactics” by David Hausman and Dorothy Kronick
Historical origins of police institutions:
“The origins of policing institutions: Legacies of colonial insurgency” by Kristine Eck
Policing organized crime:
“Killing in the slums: Social order, criminal governance, and police violence in Rio de Janeiro” by Beatriz Magaloni, Edgar Franco-Vivanco, and Vanessa Melo
Policing in conflict zones:
“Local Conflict Intensity and Public Perceptions of the Police: Evidence from Afghanistan” by Annekatrin Deglow and Ralph Sundberg
“To Blame or to Support? Large-scale Insurgent Attacks and Institutional Trust: Evidence from Kabul” by Annekatrin Deglow and Ralph Sundberg
Citizen victimization and policing:
“Victimization, Citizen Engagement, and Policing in Lahore” by Ali Cheema, Zulfiqar Hameed, Jacob N. Shapiro (Policy Report)