Script: Power Analysis Simulations in R

Power analysis for the standard design

possible.ns <- seq(from=100, to=2000, by=50)     # The sample sizes we'll be considering
powers <- rep(NA, length(possible.ns))           # Empty object to collect simulation estimates
alpha <- 0.05                                    # Standard significance level
sims <- 500                                      # Number of simulations to conduct for each N

#### Outer loop to vary the number of subjects ####
for (j in 1:length(possible.ns)){
  N <- possible.ns[j]                              # Pick the jth value for N
  significant.experiments <- rep(NA, sims)         # Empty object to count significant experiments
  #### Inner loop to conduct experiments "sims" times over for each N ####
  for (i in 1:sims){
    Y0 <-  rnorm(n=N, mean=60, sd=20)              # control potential outcome
    tau <- 5                                       # Hypothesize treatment effect
    Y1 <- Y0 + tau                                 # treatment potential outcome
    Z.sim <- rbinom(n=N, size=1, prob=.5)          # Do a random assignment
    Y.sim <- Y1*Z.sim + Y0*(1-Z.sim)               # Reveal outcomes according to assignment
    fit.sim <- lm(Y.sim ~ Z.sim)                   # Do analysis (Simple regression)
    p.value <- summary(fit.sim)$coefficients[2,4]  # Extract p-values
    significant.experiments[i] <- (p.value <= alpha) # Determine significance according to p <= 0.05
  powers[j] <- mean(significant.experiments)       # store average success rate (power) for each N
plot(possible.ns, powers, ylim=c(0,1))

Power analysis for covariate control

possible.ns <- seq(from=100, to=2000, by=50)
powers <- rep(NA, length(possible.ns))
powers.cov <- rep(NA, length(possible.ns))        # Need a second empty vector
alpha <- 0.05
sims <- 500
for (j in 1:length(possible.ns)){
  N <- possible.ns[j]
  significant.experiments <- rep(NA, sims)
  significant.experiments.cov <- rep(NA, sims)      # Need a second empty vector here too
  for (i in 1:sims){
    gender <- c(rep("F", N/2), rep("M", N/2))       # Generate "gender" covariate
    age <- sample(x=18:65, size=N, replace=TRUE)    # Generate "age" covariate
    effectofgender <- 10                            # Hypothesize the "effect" of gender on income
    effectofage <- 2                                # Hypothesize the "effect" of age on income
    ## Hypothesize Control Outcome as a function of gender, age, and error
    Y0 <- effectofgender*(gender=="M") + effectofage*age + rnorm(n=N, mean=100, sd=20)
    ## This is all the same ##
    tau <- 5
    Y1 <- Y0 + tau
    Z.sim <- rbinom(n=N, size=1, prob=.5)
    Y.sim <- Y1*Z.sim + Y0*(1-Z.sim)
    fit.sim <- lm(Y.sim ~ Z.sim)
    ## This is the novel analysis -- including two covariates to increase precision ##
    fit.sim.cov <- lm(Y.sim ~ Z.sim + (gender=="M") + age)
    ## extract p-values and calculate significance ##
    p.value <- summary(fit.sim)$coefficients[2,4]
    p.value.cov <- summary(fit.sim.cov)$coefficients[2,4]
    significant.experiments[i] <- (p.value <= alpha)
    significant.experiments.cov[i] <- (p.value.cov <= alpha)
  powers[j] <- mean(significant.experiments)
  powers.cov[j] <- mean(significant.experiments.cov)

plot(possible.ns, powers, ylim=c(0,1))
points(possible.ns, powers.cov, col="red")

Power analysis for multiple treatments

library(randomizr)    # randomizr package for complete random assignment

possible.ns <- seq(from=100, to=5000, by=100)
power.atleastone <- rep(NA, length(possible.ns))
power.bothtreatments <- rep(NA, length(possible.ns))
power.fullranking <- rep(NA, length(possible.ns))
alpha <- 0.1  #(one-tailed test at .05 level)
sims <- 100
#### Outer loop to vary the number of subjects ####
for (j in 1:length(possible.ns)){
  N <- possible.ns[j]
  p.T1vsC <- rep(NA, sims)
  p.T2vsC <- rep(NA, sims)
  p.T2vsT1 <- rep(NA, sims)
  c.T1vsC <- rep(NA, sims)
  c.T2vsC <- rep(NA, sims)
  c.T2vsT1 <- rep(NA, sims)
  #### Inner loop to conduct experiments "sims" times over for each N ####
  for (i in 1:sims){
    Y0 <-  rnorm(n=N, mean=60, sd=20)
    tau_1 <- 2.5
    tau_2 <- 5
    Y1 <- Y0 + tau_1
    Y2 <- Y0 + tau_2
    Z.sim <- complete_ra(N=N, num_arms=3)
    Y.sim <- Y0*(Z.sim=="T3") + Y1*(Z.sim=="T1") + Y2*(Z.sim=="T2")
    frame.sim <- data.frame(Y.sim, Z.sim)
    fit.T1vsC.sim <- lm(Y.sim ~ Z.sim=="T1", data=subset(frame.sim, Z.sim!="T2"))
    fit.T2vsC.sim <- lm(Y.sim ~ Z.sim=="T2", data=subset(frame.sim, Z.sim!="T1"))
    fit.T2vsT1.sim <- lm(Y.sim ~ Z.sim=="T2", data=subset(frame.sim, Z.sim!="T3"))
    ### Need to capture coefficients and pvalues (one-tailed tests, so signs are important)
    c.T1vsC[i] <- summary(fit.T1vsC.sim)$coefficients[2,1]
    c.T2vsC[i] <- summary(fit.T2vsC.sim)$coefficients[2,1]
    c.T2vsT1[i] <- summary(fit.T2vsT1.sim)$coefficients[2,1]
    p.T1vsC[i] <- summary(fit.T1vsC.sim)$coefficients[2,4]
    p.T2vsC[i] <- summary(fit.T2vsC.sim)$coefficients[2,4]
    p.T2vsT1[i] <- summary(fit.T2vsT1.sim)$coefficients[2,4]
  power.atleastone[j] <- mean(c.T1vsC>0 & c.T2vsC>0 & (p.T1vsC < alpha/2 | p.T2vsC < alpha/2))
  power.bothtreatments[j] <- mean(c.T1vsC>0 & c.T2vsC>0 & p.T1vsC < alpha/2 & p.T2vsC < alpha/2)
  power.fullranking[j] <- mean(c.T1vsC>0 & c.T2vsC>0 & c.T2vsT1 > 0 & p.T1vsC < alpha/2 & p.T2vsT1 < alpha/2)

plot(possible.ns, power.atleastone, ylim=c(0,1))
points(possible.ns, power.bothtreatments, col="red")
points(possible.ns, power.fullranking, col="blue")