EGAP will no longer accept registrations as of October 15, 2023. Please see this announcement from October 1, 2023 for additional details.
In its place, we recommend two other registries, although these are not the only available options:
Open Science Framework (OSF) Registry
The OSF Registry accepts registrations of any study type (experimental or observational) and includes a flexible form (choose “OSF Preregistration” from the Type of preregistration list; you will no longer be able to choose “EGAP” as of October 15). In addition to the form response, OSF registrations can include a set of files, such as a pre-analysis plan, supporting documents, and code.
OSF has detailed resources for preparing registrations and pre-analysis plans:
American Economic Association (AEA) RCT Registry
The AEA RCT Registry is designed specifically for randomized experiments in the social sciences, and it is a focal point that helps solve the file drawer problem for experiments. The registry includes a detailed form and the ability to attach a pre-analysis plan. Many field and survey experiments and some lab experiments have been registered there.
Registered Designs
The EGAP Registry and its content will still be accessible to the public. Researchers are able to search for content that has been submitted to the EGAP Registry. This can be done in two ways:
1. Directly through the EGAP Registry page.
2. By filtering the search results by “Provider” on the OSF Search page. However, it’s important to note that this option is available only when users are in the “Registrations” tab.