Learning Days 1: Accra
Organized by EGAP in association with CDD-Ghana
April 20-24, 2015
Accra, Ghana

This five-day meeting consisted of a combination of design clinics, research presentations, and teach-ins on topics critical for designing impact evaluations and field experiments intended to measure the effects of policies, interventions, and programs. Teach in topics included randomization, statistical power, and threats to the estimation of treatment effects. Throughout the week participants worked to develop their own research designs together with peers and more senior researchers.
Participants: We invite applications from researchers and organizations in the EGAP network and PIs from the African continent that are in the early stages of their career (PhDs, Post Docs and Assistant Professors) as well as from practitioner groups engaged in research on governance and politics. Participants should have a project in the design stage that will likely be implemented. Applicants should further have a background in economics, political science, sociology or agriculture. Applicants with a basic knowledge of statistics and/or econometrics are preferred. Participation will be limited to twelve researchers.
Organization: This set of meetings is being organized by Maarten Voors (Wageningen University) with Macartan Humphreys (Columbia University) and Dan Nielson (Brigham Young University). There will also be faculty support from the African School of Economics.
Study material: Key readings are drawn from the open-access textbook:
- Gertler et al. Gertler, Paul J.; Martinez, Sebastian; Premand, Patrick; Rawlings, Laura B.; Vermeersch, Christel M. J.. 2011. Impact Evaluation in Practice. World Bank. © World Bank.
- Open access text: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/2550 License: CC BY 3.0
With some additional material drawn from:
- Glennerster et al: Glennerster, Rachel; Takavarasha, Kudzai. 2013. Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide. Princeton.
- Excellent open access ancillary materials available here: http://runningres.com
Some of the presentations will show some statistical simulations. Many of these are implemented using the open access statistical package R.
- Open access statistical software, R: www.r-project.org/
Andy Nyamekye
Beza Tesfaye
Bongisa Lekezwa
Christopher Agyekumhene
Diatou Ndong
Esther Nyaosi
Florence Nelima
Francis Kemeze
Fred Ayifli
Ishmael Edjekumhene
Oluyomi Ola-David
Prince Kamara
Rachidi Kotoni
Roland Suluku
Shylock Muyengwa
Therese Elomo Zogo