EGAP 9: London, June 2013
Date: May 31 – June 1, 2013
Host: University College London
Location: London, UK
Themes: Conflict; Elections, Participation & Representation; Institutions & Governance; Methods

Conflict Working Group: Papers & Research Designs
Cyrus Samii: Promoting Democracy in Fragile States: Insights from a Field Experiment in Liberia (with Eric Mvukiyehe)
Chris Blattman: Building institutions at the micro-level: New medium term results from a field experiment in property dispute and conflict resolution
Abigail Barr: Economic Status and acknowledgement of earned entitlement
Elections, Participation & Representation Working Group: Papers & Research Designs
Jasjeet Sekhon: Mobilizing Identities: Religious Practice and Political Action in India
Stuti Khemani: Clientelism and Identity
Betsy Sinclair: Voters Like You: Social Group Cues in Behavior and Opinion
Institutions & Governance Working Group: Papers & Research Designs
Ghazala Mansuri: Performance Pay and Mission: a randomized experiment with community facilitators in a national CDD project in Pakistan
Dan Nielson: Reputation, Information Asymmetry and NGO Opportunism: A Randomized Global Field Experiment
Guy Grossman: Does Information Technology Flatten Interest Articulation? Evidence from Uganda
(with Macartan Humphreys and Gabriella Sacramone-Lutz, CU)
Daniel Posner: Does Information Lead to More Active Citizenship? Evidence from an Education Intervention in Rural Kenya (with Evan Lieberman and Lilly Tsai)
Methods Working Group: Papers & Research Designs
Peter John: Field experiments incorporating information: Research design (with Carley, James, Richardson, Ryan and Stoker)
Jeremy Weinstein: Transparency and Spin: How Political Communication Reinforces (or Undermines) Political Accountability (with Grant Gordon and Macartan Humphreys)
Ryan T Moore: Toward Vote & Vax Experiments
Fernando Martel: Definition and Diagnosis of Problematic Attrition in Randomized Controlled Experiments
Joint sessions:
Annette Brown: The Impact of Public Information on the Electoral Behavior of Citizens and the Decision-Making of Politicians in Developing Countries
Don Green: Collection of Delinquent Fines: An Adaptive Randomised Trial to Assess the Effectiveness of Alternative Text Messages (with Haynes, Gallagher, John and Torgerson)
Abigail Barr
Altin Ilirjani
Alyoscia D’Onofrio
Annette Brown
Betsy Sinclair
Chris Blattman
Cyrus Samii
Dan Nielson
Dan Posner
Daniel Rubenson
David Torgerson
Don Green
Eric Dickson
Erik Wibbels
Fernando Martel
Florencia Guerzovich
Gerard Padro I Miquel
Ghazala Mansuri
Guy Grossman
Gwyneth McClendon
Jasjeet Sekhon
Jeremy Weinstein
Kelly Bidwell
Laura Paler
Lina Payne
Macartan Humphreys
Mark Robinson
Mike Duthie
Oliver James
Paul Richards
Pedro Vicente
Peter John
Ryan T Moore
Sheree Bennett
Stephanie Wykstra
Stuti Khemani
Susan Hyde
Thad Dunning
Vijayendra Rao