EGAP 7: Vancouver, April 2012
Date: April 27 – 28, 2012
Host: Macartan Humphreys, Columbia University and University of British Columbia
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Theme: Plenary Meeting

Plenary Meeting: Papers & Research Designs
Friday, April 27
Kelly Bidwell: The Impact of Information on Voter Knowledge and Engagement: Evidence from the 2012 Elections in Sierra Leone (Katherine Casey, Rachel Glennerster, Kelly Bidwell)
Guy Grossman: Innovations to increase public services provision at the local government level in Uganda
Lynn Vavreck: Experimental evidence on differences in responses between in-person and self-completed questionnaires
Macartan Humphreys: International Aid and Local Accountability: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Congo
Saturday, April 28
Daniel Rubenson: Property Rights, Beliefs and Values: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Mongolia
Alan Jacobs: Time, Institutions, and Uncertainty: An Experimental Investigation
Cyrus Samii: Estimating Causal Effects Under General Interference (with Peter M. Aronow)
Daniel Corstange: Who Wants to Know? The effects of sponsorship of surveys on subject responses
Michael Findley: Corruption and international standards: experimental evidence on the effects of international rules mandating that incorporation services establish their customers’ true identitiesKevin Arceneaux, Temple University
Kelly Bidwell, Innovations for Poverty Action
Eric Coleman, Florida State University
Daniel Corstange, University of Maryland
Eric Dickson, NYU
Mike Duthie, Social Impact
Michael Findley, Birgham Young University
Christia Fotini, MIT
Linda Frey, Hewlett Foundation
Alan Gerber, Yale
Don Green, Columbia University
Guy Grossman, Princeton
Macartan Humphreys, Columbia University/ UBC
Jonathan Jones, International Republican Institute
Peter Loewen, University of Toronto
Ryan T. Moore, Washington University in St. Louis
Alyoscia D’Onofrio, International Rescue Committee
Helen Richards, Department for International Development
Daniel Rubenson, Ryerson University
Cyrus Samii, New York University
Alexandra Scacco, New York University
Linda Stern, National Democratic Institute
Rick Wilson, Rice University
Lynn Vavreck, UCLA
Anjali Bohlken, UBC
Antje Ellerman, UBC
Lynn Hancock, UBC
Alan Jacobs, UBC
Jodi Nelson, Gates Foundation
Andrew Owen, UBC
Godber Tumushabe, Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment
Sule Yaylaci, UBC