EGAP 27: Geneva, October 2019
Date: October 10 – 12, 2019
Host: Simone Dietrich, University of Geneva
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Theme: Conflict; Institutions & Governance

Policy Workshop
Thursday, October 10
Title: Migration and Conflict: From Evidence to Solutions
Summary: Today, drivers of human migration include conflict, economic, social, and environmental factors. This half day-long workshop engages practitioners and academics in examining issues and trends in the movement of people. The workshop presents findings of recent experimental research on drivers of migration, conflict, and peace with a focus on actionable insights and policy recommendations. Because successful uptake of evidence benefits from close partnerships between academics and practitioners, this workshop will discuss challenges and opportunities for furthering collaboration in this space.
Conflict Working Group: Papers and Research Designs
Rezarta Bilali: The Power of Stories: Fictional Narratives Can Influence Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions in Contexts of Violent Extremism (Paper)
Graeme Blair & Jeremy Weinstein: Building Trusted, Effective Police in the Global South: Evidence on Community Policing from Six Coordinated Field Experiments (Paper)
Tolga Sinmazdemir: Elite survey on immigration in Turkey (Research Design)
Leonardo Arriola: Documenting Electoral Violence: Assessing Tradeoffs in Data Collection Methodologies (Research Design)
Maarten Voors: Impacts of Humanitarian Assistance: Experimental Evidence from the Congo (Paper)
Aila Matanock: Experiments in post-conflict contexts (Paper)
Institutions & Governance Working Group: Papers and Research Designs
Julien Labonne: Voter Responses to Emotional Appeals: Evidence from Door-to-Door Visits in the Philippines (Paper)
Miriam Golden: “Press 1 for Roads”: Motivating Programmatic Politics in Pakistan (Paper)
Jennifer Bussell: Politicians as Participants: When Will Elected Officials Take Part in Academic Research? (Research Design)
Helen Milner: Results on the effects of aid versus oil on accountability in Uganda and Ghana (Paper)
Peter Loewen: How Do Politicians Bargain? Evidence from Ultimatum Games with Legislators (Paper)
Martin Valdivia, Nudging Microentrepreneurs into Formalization under High Drug-Related Violence: Experimental Evidence from Urban Brazil (Paper and Research Design)
Joint sessions:
Daniel Posner talk: Assessing the effectiveness of PAPs
Macartan Humphreys, Melina Platas, and Tolga Sinmazdemir: Review of APSA Human Subjects Protection report
Conflict Working Group
Aila Matanock
Alexandra Scacco
Alyoscia d’Onofrio
Andrés Moya
Cecile Richetta
Claire Adida
Cyrus Samii
Dan Posner
Flora Myamba
Graeme Blair
Jake Bowers
Jeremy Weinstein
Laura Paler
Lauren Young
Leonardo Arriola
Maarten Voors
Michael Gilligan
Natasha Greenberg
Rebecca Wolfe
Rezarta Bilali
Simon Hug
Simone Dietrich
Sebastian Chaskel
Tolga Sinmazdemir
Institutions & Governance Working Group
Aina Gallego
Alison Miranda
Daniel Rubenson
Eric Dickson
Helen Milner
Jennifer Bussell
Jeremy Weinstein
Julien Labonne
Linda Stern
Macartan Humphreys
Martin Valdivia
Melina Platas
Miriam Golden
Morgan Holmes
Nahomi Ichino
Nathalie Giger
Oliver James
Peter Loewen
Raul Pacheco-Vega
Reto Wuest
Ryan Moore
Rosario Aguilar