EGAP 2: New York City, October 2009
Date: October 16 –17, 2009
Host: Peter van der Windt,Columbia University
Location: New York City, New York, USA
Theme: Plenary Meeting

Plenary Meeting: Papers & Research Designs
Ana De La O: Public Information and Local Government’s Electoral Returns, Evidence from an Information Dissemination Campaign in the Mexican 2009 Municipal Elections
Jake Bowers: A Reasoned Basis for Inference: Randomization and Design Justifying Estimation and Testing
Chris Blattman: Rehabilitation of Street Youth in Monrovia
Kosuke Imai: Experimental Identification of Causal Mechanisms. For more related research see here.
Daniel Rubenson: The Social and Political Effects of Electricity: A Regression Discontinuity Design in Uganda
Alan Gerber: Report on Proposal From Standards Committee. See also this paper by Isabelle Boutron, Peter John and David Torgerson