EGAP 16: Cape Town, March 2016
Date: March 11 – 12, 2016
Host: University of Cape Town
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Theme: Conflict

Conflict: Papers & Research Designs
Friday, March 11
Coleman, Manyindo, and Parker: An Impact Assessment of Stakeholder Engagement Interventions in Ugandan Oil Extractives
Manekin, Grossman, and Mitts: The Domestic Sources of Territorial Conflict: The Case of Israel
Vargas: Colombia Mobile Victims Unit Impact Evaluation
Saturday, March 12
Moya and Carter: Violence, Hopelessness and Pessimistic Prospects of Upward Mobility in Colombia
Lieberman and Zhou: Can Validated Participation Boost Parental Efficacy and Active Citizenship in The Education Sector? (Research Design for a Pilot Experiment in Tanzania with Twaweza)
Miriam Golden: Voter Responses to Corruption and Misgovernance as a Leadership Problem
Vanessa Barolsky
Sufiya Bray
Justine Burns
Eric Coleman
Eric Dickson
Mike Findley
Miriam Golden
Guy Grossman
Leigh Hamilton
Susan Hyde
Evan Lieberman
Matt Lisiecki
Peter Loewen
Abby Long
Robert Mattes
Andrés Moya
Franklin Oduro
Nachama Rosen
Daniel Rubenson
Annette Seegers
Tsholofelo Sesanga
Hugo van der Merwe
Juan Vargas
Rebecca Wolfe