EGAP 15: Houston, October 2015
Date: October 23 – 24, 2015
Host: Rick K. Wilson, Rice University
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Theme: Plenary Meeting

Plenary Meeting: Papers & Research Designs
Friday, October 23
Grossman, Humphreys, and Sacramone-Lutz: Information Technology and Political Engagement: Mixed Evidence from Uganda
Dickson, Gordon, and Huber: Collaborative Research: Behavioral Experiments on Legitimate Authority
De La Cuesta, Milner, Nielson, and Knack: No Greater Representation with Taxation: Experimental Evidence from Ghana and Uganda on Citizen Action toward Oil, Aid, and Taxes
Gottlieb and Kosec: Mechanisms for Strengthening Accountability to the Rural Poor: Evidence from Public Expenditures in Mali
Ichino and Nathan: Women’s Participation and Party Capacity: Preliminary Design for a Field Experiment in Ghana
Saturday, October 24
Sheffer, Loewen, and Butler: Political Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Politicians’ Risk Preferences are Affected by Choice Frames and Implied Accountability
Berinsky, de Kadt, Orkin, and Posner: What Messages Encourage Young South Africans to Register and Vote? A Proposed Randomized Controlled Trial during the 2016 Municipal Elections in South Africa
Wolfe, Tesfaye, Inks, and Grady: Reducing Conflict in Nigeria’s Middle Belt
Roessler, Myamba, and Nielson: Please Hold the Phone: A Field Experiment on Mobile Technology, Uptake of Digital Financial Services and Women’s Empowerment
Denise Baer
Adam Berinsky
Graeme Blair
Brandon de la Cuesta
Eric Dickson
Thad Dunning
Catherine Eckel
Mike Findley
Jessica Gottlieb
Guy Grossman
Macartan Humphreys
Nahomi Ichino
Matt Lisiecki
Peter Loewen
Abigail Long
Helen Milner
Sharun Mukand
Daniel Nielson
Franklin Oduro
Dan Posner
Phil Roessler
Joel Selway
Linda Stern
Lynn Vavreck
Rick Wilson
Rebecca Wolfe