EGAP 12: Princeton, October 2014
Organized by EGAP in association with Princeton University
Date: Friday, October 17 – 18, 2014
Host: Princeton University
Location: Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Theme: Plenary Meeting

Plenary Meeting: Papers & Research Designs
Friday, October 17
Helen Milner, Dan Nielson, et al: Citizen Perceptions of the Resource Curse and Aid Dependence
Sheree Bennett (IRC): How Can CDD Improve Social Cohesion in Conflict-Affected Contexts?
Chris Blattman: Reducing crime and violence: Experimental evidence from behavior change and cash transfers
Gwyneth McClendon: Christian Influences on Ethnic Politics? Preliminary Research Design
Joel Selway: Regionalism vs. Nationalism in Thailand
David Nickerson: Increasing Compliance with the National Voter Registration Act
Ali Hasanain: Personalities and Public Sector Performance: Evidence from a Health Experiment in Pakistan
Eldar Shafir and Johannes Haushofer (Guest speakers): Field experiments in Psychology: Applications to scarcity and stress
Saturday, October 18
Peter Loewen: Expertise and Efficacy in Elite Political Decisionmaking
Leonard Wantchekon, Daniel Rubenson, Gabriel Lopez-Moctezuma: Policy Deliberation and Voting Behavior: A Campaign Experiment in the Philippines
Macartan Humphreys, with lead-off comments from Peter Loewen and Chris Blattman: Mixing Methods: A Bayesian Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Causal Inference
Ana de la O: The Effect of Federal and State Audits on Municipal Accountability: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment (Preliminary draft)
Peter Aronow
Sheree Bennett
Adam Berinsky
Graeme Blair
Chris Blattman
Elizabeth Carlson
Ana De La O
Thad Dunning
Jessica Gottlieb
Guy Grossman
Ali Hasanain
Macartan Humphreys
Kosuke Imai
Peter John
Eric Kramon
Jaclyn Leaver
Elizabeth Levy Paluck
Peter Loewen
Abigail Long
Gwyneth McClendon
Helen Milner
David Nickerson
Laura Paler
Daniel Rubenson
Cyrus Samii
Joel Selway
Bhavna Sharma
Lynn Vavreck
Rebecca Wolfe