EGAP 11: Berkeley, April 2014
Dates: April 11 – 12, 2014
Host: UC Berkeley
Location: Berkeley, California, USA
Theme: Plenary Meeting

Plenary Meeting: Papers & Research Designs
Friday, April 11
Craig McIntosh: Infrastructure Upgrading and Budgeting Spillovers: Mexico’s Habitat Experiment
Betsy Paluck (with Hana Shepherd and Peter Aronow): Changing Climates of Conflict: A Social Network Driven Experiment in 56 Schools
Danila Serra (with Isaac Mbiti): Health Providers and Patients in Kenya: An Evaluation of Motivations, Interactions and Reports on Sub-Par Behaviors
Guy Grossman (with Jonathan Rodden and Melina Platas Izama): Governance, Accountability, Participation, and Performance: Local Revenue Mobilization
Cyrus Samii (with Larry Chavis and Laura Paler): The Conservation-Development Dilemma: Insights from Aceh’s Jungles
Saturday, April 12
Jas Sekhon: Improving Experiments by Optimal Blocking
Jake Bowers, Annette Brown and Graham Couturier: A Research Design to Evaluate the Effects of Native Language Television on Political Violence and Extremism in Nigeria
Liz Carlson: The Value of Favoritism: Voting and Relative Provision
Jessica Gottlieb: Local leader influence, electoral behavior and redistribution
Mark Buntaine, Michael Findley, and Daniel Nielson: Crowdsourcing Information on World Bank Projects in India: A Field Experiment
Kevin Arceneaux (Temple)
Jake Bowers (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Annette Brown (3ie)
Mark Buntaine (UC Santa Barbara)
Jennifer Bussell (UC Berkeley)
Liz Carlson (Penn State)
Alyoscia D’Onofrio (IRC)
Kim Dionne (Smith)
Thad Dunning (UC Berkeley)
Mike Duthie (Social Impact)
Catherine Eckel (Texas A&M)
Mike Findley (UT Austin)
Miriam Golden (UCLA)
Jessica Gottlieb (Texas A&M)
Guy Grossman (U. of Pennsylvania)
Jonas Heirman (DFID)
Macartan Humphreys (Columbia)
Susan Hyde (Yale)
Altin Ilirjani (USAID)
Oliver James (Exeter)
Betsy Levy Paluck (Princeton)
Evan Lieberman (Princeton/MIT)
Craig McIntosh (UCSD)
David Mwesigwa (FAO-Sierra Leone)
Dan Nielson (BYU)
Laura Paler (Pittsburgh)
Dan Posner (UCLA)
Fernando Rosenblatt (Universidad Diego Portales)
Elizabeth Ruedy (IRI)
Cyrus Samii (NYU)
Jasjeet Sekhon (UC Berkeley)
Danila Serra (SMU)
Victoria Shineman (Pittsburgh)
Rick Wilson (Rice University)
Rebecca Wolfe (Mercy Corps)