EGAP 10: New York City, November 2013
Dates: November 22 – 23, 2013
Hosts: Columbia University
Location: New York City, New York, USA
Theme: Plenary Meeting

Plenary Meeting: Papers & Research Designs
Friday, November 22
Dan Nielson: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations to Participate in Crowdsourcing
Kate Casey: The Impact of Voter Knowledge Initiatives in Sierra Leone
Devra Moehler: Mechanisms of Media Mobilization: A Field Experiment on Partisan Media in Africa
Varun Gauri: Compliance with Court Orders in Costa Rica and Colombia
Grossman and Paler: Oil and Governance in Uganda
Johannes Urpelainen: The Benefits of Solar Technology Adoption for Street Vendors in Bihar
Saturday, November 23
Fotini Christia: The Yemen Social Fund for Development
Daniel Rubenson: Ethiopia Land Tenure design
Thad Dunning: Building State Capacity: Tax Compliance and Demand for Public Services
Humphreys, Fang, and Gordon: Fishing in Medical Trials
Aronow, Gerber, Green, and Kern: Double Sampling for Missing Outcome Data in Randomized Experiments
Fernando Martel Garcia: Generalized Causal Diagrams for External Validity
Altin Ilirjani, USAID
Annette Brown, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)
Betsy Levy Paluck, Princeton University
Brian Scholl, Yale University
Dan Corstange, Columbia University
Dan Nielson, Brigham Young University
Dan Posner, University of California, Los Angeles
Daniel Rubenson, Ryerson University
Devra Moehler, University of Pennsylvania
Don Green, Columbia University
Eric Dickson, New York University
Fernando Martel Garcia, New York University
Fotini Christia, MIT
Geoff Murphy, Wellspring Advisors
Guy Grossman, University of Pennsylvania
Jake Bowers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jake Shapiro, Princeton University
James Walsh, World Bank
Jeffrey Staton, Emory University
Johannes Urpelainen, Columbia University
Karla Hoff, World Bank
Kate Casey, Stanford University
Kevin Arceneaux, Temple University
Kristin Michelitch, Vanderbilt University
Laura Paler, University of Pittsburgh
Linda Stern, National Democratic Institute
Macartan Humphreys, Columbia University
Moses Shayo, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nahomi Ichino, Harvard University
Ryan Enos, Harvard University
Sheheryar Banuri, World Bank
Sheree Bennett, International Rescue Committee
Thad Dunning, University of California, Berkeley
Varun Gauri, World Bank