Simon Chauchard is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Leiden University. He previously held positions at Dartmouth College and Columbia University (SIPA).
His research covers ethnic politics, voting behavior, political representation and politicians-citizens relations in India. His works have appeared in Political Opinion Quarterly, the American Political Science Review, Comparative Political Studies, the Journal of Politics and Asian Survey, among other research outlets. He has also frequently published research-based columns in major Indian news outlets. His book, titled Why Representation Matters: The Meaning of Ethnic Quotas in Rural India (Cambridge University Press, 2017), combines qualitative work and a series of innovative surveys to explore the impact of caste-based reservation policies on everyday intergroup relations in India’s villages.
Simon Chauchard is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Leiden University. He previously held positions at Dartmouth College and Columbia University (SIPA). His research covers ethnic politics, voting behavior, political representation and politicians-citizens relations in India. His works have appeared in Political Opinion Quarterly, the American Political Science Review, Comparative Political Studies, the Journal of Politics and Asian Survey, among other research outlets. He has also frequently published research-based columns in major Indian news outlets. His book, titled Why Representation Matters: The Meaning of Ethnic Quotas in Rural India (Cambridge University Press, 2017), combines qualitative work and a series of innovative surveys to explore the impact of caste-based reservation policies on…