The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is an innovative and independent U.S. foreign aid agency that is helping lead the fight against global poverty. Created by the U.S. Congress in January 2004 with strong bipartisan support, MCC is changing the conversation on how best to deliver smart U.S. foreign assistance by focusing on good policies, country ownership, and results.
MCC is advancing American values and interests by reducing global poverty through economic growth. The MCC model fulfills this mission by focusing on policy reforms, economic growth opportunities that deliver tangible results and shared learning on what is and is not working. This approach makes development assistance more effective, improves the lives of the world’s poor and creates the markets of the future, with whom companies can do business and trade.
Institutional Representative: Berta Heybey, Managing Director, Monitoring and Evaluation
Berta Heybey serves as the Managing Director for Monitoring and Evaluation in the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Department of Policy and Evaluation. MCC’s monitoring and evaluation team oversees M&E activities in all MCC compacts and threshold programs. MCC’s evaluation portfolio includes over 150 independent analyses, including experimental, quasi-experimental and performance evaluations.
Dr. Heybey joined MCC’s M&E team in 2011. Prior to joining MCC, she served as the Director of the Economic Impact Analysis team at the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), responsible for analyzing the effects of OPIC projects on the U.S. economy as well as the developmental impact of those projects on host countries. Prior to this position, she analyzed macroeconomic and financial risks affecting the OPIC portfolio. Earlier in her career, she was a research analyst at the Center for Naval Analyses, where she worked on projects including the effects of U.S. military operations on regional political and economic stability; the economic impact of biological weapons and terrorism; and U.S. Marine Corps logistics.
Dr. Heybey has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Maryland, an M.A. in economics from Duke University and an A.B. in economics and Asian history from Brown University.
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is an innovative and independent U.S. foreign aid agency that is helping lead the fight against global poverty. Created by the U.S. Congress in January 2004 with strong bipartisan support, MCC is changing the conversation on how best to deliver smart U.S. foreign assistance by focusing on good policies, country ownership, and results. MCC is advancing American values and interests by reducing global poverty through economic growth. The MCC model fulfills this mission by focusing on policy reforms, economic growth opportunities that deliver tangible results and shared learning on what is and is not working.…