Justine is an Associate Professor in the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town. She is also a Research Associate of both the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) and the Research Unit in Behavioural Economics and Neuroeconomics (RUBEN) at the University of Cape Town. Her research interests include: behavioural and experimental economics; trust and social capital; discrimination, labour markets and social networks; and intergenerational mobility. Her experimental work has focused on the effects of racial identity and income inequality on individual decision-making, as well as group co-operation in the provision of public goods. She has also published work on educational mobility, social assistance, and the impact of social networks on employment outcomes. More recently, she has completed a series of projects investigating the feasibility of a wage subsidy as a tool to promote employment in South Africa.
Justine is an Associate Professor in the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town. She is also a Research Associate of both the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) and the Research Unit in Behavioural Economics and Neuroeconomics (RUBEN) at the University of Cape Town. Her research interests include: behavioural and experimental economics; trust and social capital; discrimination, labour markets and social networks; and intergenerational mobility. Her experimental work has focused on the effects of racial identity and income inequality on individual decision-making, as well as group co-operation in the provision of public goods. She has…