Jonathan Weigel is an assistant professor in the Department of International Development at the LSE and an affiliate of STICERD and CEPR. His research interests are on the intersection of political economy, development, and public finance. His main interest is how efforts to build state capacity, such as tax collection and land titling, shape citizens’ engagement with the government, and whether formal institutions crowd out informal ones. A second area of research explores the coevolution of culture and institutions, with a focus on religion. His field work is based in the D.R. Congo, Tanzania, and Haiti. He completed a PhD in Political Economy and Government at Harvard in 2018.
Jonathan Weigel is an assistant professor in the Department of International Development at the LSE and an affiliate of STICERD and CEPR. His research interests are on the intersection of political economy, development, and public finance. His main interest is how efforts to build state capacity, such as tax collection and land titling, shape citizens’ engagement with the government, and whether formal institutions crowd out informal ones. A second area of research explores the coevolution of culture and institutions, with a focus on religion. His field work is based in the D.R. Congo, Tanzania, and Haiti. He completed a PhD…