The Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) is a private non-profit research center with no political affiliation. Its mission is to develop applied research to stimulate and enrich the debate, design and implementation of public policy.
Since being founded in 1980, in Lima, Peru, GRADE has been dedicated to undertaking economic, educational, environmental and social studies in areas relevant to the development of Peru and other Latin American countries. The institution aims to disseminate the results of its work to policy makers and the general public.
In order to meet its strategic objectives, GRADE’s employees carry out academically rigorous research with a high level of objectivity in order to ensure that conclusions drawn on the nature and causes of economic and social processes are supported by solid empirical evidence.
Institutional Representative: Lorena Alcázar, Research Director and Senior Researcher
Lorena Alcázar has a BA in Economics from the Pacific University in Peru, a Master’s Degree in Political and International Economy from the Kiel Institute of World Economics, a Master’s Degree in Economics from Washington University and a PhD in Economics from Washington University. She is currently Research Director and Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE).
Previously, she served as Vice-President of the Supervisory Board for Investment in Public Transport Infrastructure (OSITRAN), Research Director of the Apoyo Institute, Professor and Researcher at the Pacific University, Economist for the World Bank, Visiting Researcher at the Brookings Institution and Advisor to the Ministry of Economy and Finance in the field of social policy.
Over the past ten years, Dr. Alcázar has implemented various projects and consultancies and has published numerous works on topics such as the evaluation of social, education, health, and decentralization programs, as well as fiscal policy. Among her latest studies are: Quality of life in metropolitan Lima; Monitoring childhood program spending: the Juntos program and related health and education. services; Factors affecting secondary school drop-out in rural Peru; Evaluation of the PRONAA, PRONAMA and INABIF programs; Evaluation of the General Participation System in the education and health sectors in Colombia; Analysis of the decentralization of education sector budgets; and an estimation of budget losses in the education sector and the Vaso de Leche program.
The Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) is a private non-profit research center with no political affiliation. Its mission is to develop applied research to stimulate and enrich the debate, design and implementation of public policy. Since being founded in 1980, in Lima, Peru, GRADE has been dedicated to undertaking economic, educational, environmental and social studies in areas relevant to the development of Peru and other Latin American countries. The institution aims to disseminate the results of its work to policy makers and the general public. In order to meet its strategic objectives, GRADE’s employees carry out academically rigorous…