Elizabeth is an Associate Professor at Princeton University in the Departments of Psychology and Political Science, and at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. She received her PhD from Yale in social psychology in 2007, writing on intergroup prejudice and mass media in Rwanda. Her research is motivated by two basic ideas. The first idea is that social psychological theory offers potentially useful tools for changing society in constructive ways. The second idea is that studying attempts to change society is one of the most fruitful ways to develop and assess social psychological theory. Much of her work has focused on prejudice and conflict reduction, using large-scale field experiments to test theoretically driven interventions. Her research projects fit into five large and overlapping categories: social norms, networks, and influence, media effects, intergroup prejudice and conflict reduction interventions, gender, and methodology.
Elizabeth is an Associate Professor at Princeton University in the Departments of Psychology and Political Science, and at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. She received her PhD from Yale in social psychology in 2007, writing on intergroup prejudice and mass media in Rwanda. Her research is motivated by two basic ideas. The first idea is that social psychological theory offers potentially useful tools for changing society in constructive ways. The second idea is that studying attempts to change society is one of the most fruitful ways to develop and assess social psychological theory. Much of her…