Amaney A. Jamal is the Edwards S. Sanford Professor of Politics at Princeton University and director of the Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice. Jamal also directs the Workshop on Arab Political Development. Her work primarily focuses on the micro-level determinants of political behavior in the Middle East. Her new book project explores the role of inequality on civic and political engagement in the US and Middle East. Her interests also include the study of Muslim and Arab Americans, and Muslim refugees to Europe. Jamal’s books include Barriers to Democracy, which explores the role of civic associations in promoting democratic effects in the Arab world (winner 2008 APSA Best Book Award in comparative democratization); and, as coauthor, Race and Arab Americans Before and After 9/11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects (2007) and Citizenship and Crisis: Arab Detroit after 9/11 (2009). Her book Of Empires and Citizens was published by Princeton University Press, Fall 2012. In addition to her role as director of Princeton’s Workshop on Arab Political Development, Jamal is co-principal investigator of the Arab Barometer Project, winner of the Best Dataset in the Field of Comparative Politics (Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba Dataset Award 2010); co-PI of the Detroit Arab American Study, a sister survey to the Detroit Area Study; and senior advisor on the Pew Research Center projects focusing on Islam in America (2006) and Global Islam (2010). Ph.D. University of Michigan (2003). In 2005, Jamal was named a Carnegie Scholar
Amaney A. Jamal is the Edwards S. Sanford Professor of Politics at Princeton University and director of the Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice. Jamal also directs the Workshop on Arab Political Development. Her work primarily focuses on the micro-level determinants of political behavior in the Middle East. Her new book project explores the role of inequality on civic and political engagement in the US and Middle East. Her interests also include the study of Muslim and Arab Americans, and Muslim refugees to Europe. Jamal's books include Barriers to Democracy, which explores the role of civic associations in…