Alexandra Hartman is Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at University College London (UCL), where she studies the social origins of violence and how individuals, communities, and states construct order. Alexandra uses RCTs, survey experiments, micro-level data, and in-depth field research to understand the effects of property rights on conflict, natural resource management, and economic development and how violence affects individuals’ willingness to help others. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in The Journal of Politics, The British Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Peace Research, and The American Political Science Review.
Alexandra Hartman is Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at University College London (UCL), where she studies the social origins of violence and how individuals, communities, and states construct order. Alexandra uses RCTs, survey experiments, micro-level data, and in-depth field research to understand the effects of property rights on conflict, natural resource management, and economic development and how violence affects individuals’ willingness to help others. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in The Journal of Politics, The British Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Peace Research, and The American Political Science Review.