The EGAP Conflict Group studies research on the causes and consequences of violence and conflict, including war, civil conflict, organized crime, violent extremism, and state repression. We are a multidisciplinary group of scholars with backgrounds in the social and behavioral sciences, including political science, economics, psychology, and public health. Our research seeks to explain and understand the underlying contexts that create the conditions for conflict, the corresponding effects on people and society, and how mechanisms are adopted to address and/or prevent conflict in different contexts.

EGAP Meetings & Policy Events
EGAP hosts an annual membership meeting to provide feedback on research designs addressing conflict interventions. In conjunction with each membership meeting, EGAP holds a policy event to bring together researchers with local and regional representatives of government and civil society organizations to present polished research and discuss policy relevance.
Metaketa Initiative
Can community policing be used effectively by new and reconstituted police forces in contexts in which the legitimacy of the state is challenged? The Community Policing Metaketa round seeks to answer this question by coordinating six research projects in diverse contexts that assess whether an informal model of police-community interaction changes the level of trust in the police, levels of observed cooperation, and rates of crime.
Policy Briefs
Policy briefs are concise summaries of EGAP members’ research evaluations, highlighting the policy relevance of interventions.