Brief 13: Reducing Clientelism in Benin

Did Survey Respondent Vote for Experimental Candidate? (OLS estimates)
 OverallOpposition CandidatesIncumbent Candidate
Vote took place in treated village0.0599***(0.0206)0.0864***(0.0275)-0.0101(0.0156)
Did Survey Respondent Consider Experimental Candidate the ‘Best Candidate’? (OLS estimates)
 OverallOpposition CandidatesIncumbent Candidate
Vote took place in treated village0.0663***(0.0212)0.0999***(0.0270)-0.0256(0.0227)
Interpretation: When they ran on the treatment platform, all types of candidates received 6 percentage points more of the vote share as reported in representative surveys of voters in treatment and control villages. This effect is highly statistically significant. Opposition candidates received 9 percentage points more of the self-reported vote share when they ran on the treatment platform as opposed to the control. The incumbent candidate is estimated to have lost one percentage point of the vote share on the treatment platform, although this effect is not statistically distinguishable from zero effect.
< 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01 Robust standard errors clustered at village level. Regression controls for regional-level fixed effects.