2024 Membership Round
Apply to join the EGAP Network!
Deadline: September 30th, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT
Evidence in Governance and Politics (EGAP) is a global research, evaluation, and learning network promoting rigorous knowledge accumulation, innovation, and evidence-based policy in various governance and accountability domains.
EGAP is seeking to expand the network of people and institutions dedicated to developing evidence and research to improve the practice of governance and public policy.
Individual researcher applicants must hold a PhD and a faculty position at an academic institution. For scholars who meet these criteria, we will accept applications from across disciplines and subjects of study within the broad scope of the domains in which EGAP works. Individual researcher members of EGAP are researchers who have extensive experience with experimental trials and other approaches to making causal inferences.
Institutional members are non-profit and/or governmental organizations that prioritize the generation and/or use of evidence from experimental trials or other such rigorous approaches in creating and evaluating their operations.
EGAP members have many opportunities to contribute to the common good, make connections between academia and policy, between researchers based in the global north and the global south, and to improve their own research projects and programs. These opportunities can include:
- Online feedback sessions to improve their own and other members’ research;
- In-person thematic and general meetings that aim to create and foster connections and collaborations between researchers and practitioners, between global north and global south researchers, and to generate advances in theories of change and methods and ethics for studying governance and public policy broadly defined;
- Teaching about statistics and research design in the EGAP Learning Days or via EGAP Methods Guides or other EGAP training and methods resources;
- EGAP staff support for academic members to write about their research for policy and general audiences and for policy experts to translate policy questions for academic audiences;
- Occasional small research grant opportunities.
Applications are due by 11.59pm EDT September 30, 2024. The Board will notify applicants of results by November 8, 2024.
For questions or comments please email admin@egap.org.